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Looking to play college sports or have a question?

Get in touch

How can I start the Recruiting Process?

Before you begin the recruitment process to play sports and study in America on a scholarship, we go through a so-called 'preliminary phase'. This preliminary phase is completely free.

This is important so that we can fully inform you and your parents about how college sports work, what opportunities there are for you, and what you can expect from it.

Steps Before You Start the Recruitment Process

Before you start the 'actual' recruitment process, we go through these steps together to see if this is really something for you (completely free):

  1. Brief Introduction Meeting
    A first conversation in which you tell us more about yourself and where we answer your initial questions.
  2. Extended Introduction Meeting (Online) with Your Parents
    A thorough conversation with your parents about college sports in America, where you can ask us anything but where we also explain how everything works.
  3. Evaluation of Your Opportunities and Possibilities
    We assess your opportunities and possibilities based on an evaluation form and your game footage. You will receive a personal 'game plan' with an overview of your opportunities, the costs, and an explanation of how the recruitment process will proceed for you.
  4. Follow-up Meeting with Your Parents
    We discuss the game plan with you and your parents and answer any remaining questions.
  5. Start of the Recruitment Process
    After these preparatory steps, you are ready to officially start the recruitment process with Plus31 Sports.

How can I sign up?

Interested in finding out if playing sports and studying in America on a sports scholarship is something for you?

Sign up here for a free introductory meeting and evaluation with Plus31 Sports.

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